Why Do We Have Neck & Back Pain?
The most common cause of acute back or neck pain is a muscle injury, in which muscle fibers stretch too far and tear. Neck & back pain is very common among Americans. This ache can prevent you from enjoying many aspects of your life: working, active time with friends and family, activities you enjoy, and even just relaxing.

The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of download adobe premiere cs4 full crack 32 bit work are lost due to low back pain. It is the leading cause of inactivity among adults, and it can result in other health issues if left untreated.
Causes of Neck & Back Pain
Weak Muscles
Poor Sleep
Lack of Physical Activity
Poor Posture
Repetitive Motion
Holding head in unusual positions
Sleeping Wrong
Sports Injuries
Being Overweight
Conditions & Diseases that Can Cause Neck & Back Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Spinal Stenosis
You Don’t Have to Live with Neck or Back Pain Physical Therapy Can Help
Physical therapists focus specifically on pain and injury to help their patients regain function, comfort, and mobility. Physical therapy treatments are used to alleviate pain, promote healing, and bring restored function and movement to the painful area. When tmpgenc authoring works torrent you come in for a consultation, your physical therapist will provide you with an extensive evaluation, discovering what form of treatment will be best for whatever orthopedic, neurological or cardiovascular condition you are facing.
Active physical therapy will provide you with exercises that you can do on your own in the later stages of their physical therapy treatment. Once your neck & back pain has subsided enough that your physical therapist believes you are ready for active physical therapy, he or she will create an exercise routine specific to your needs. This can include any combination of stretching, strength training, and stability training, and it is all geared toward helping you gain back your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. These exercises will help provide support to the painful area and will guide you further in your recovery and future neck & back pain prevention. .
Bright Star Care for Neck Pain
At Bright Star Physical Therapy our therapists are dedicated to your needs. To help ensure that you get the best results possible, our knowledgeable, caring, and highly professional team will evaluate and treat you according to your diagnoses. Book an appointment today!